CIHS: Comic I Haven’t Seen: Wannabe

Bob commented a few days ago that he’d like to see “room for fresh ideas … a Comics I Haven’t Seen page spinoff”.

This seemed like a good idea, so we are going to occasionally feature comics that at least one editor isn’t that familiar with, and that haven’t shown up on CIDU much. Some of these you will like — with others we will save you the trouble of investigating them further.

Today’s inaugural edition features Wannabe, by Luca Debus, available at GoComics.

Wannabe focuses on the lives of three main characters: McKenzie, Andy, and Margot. … McKenzie has no idea what she wants to be, but she knows exactly how to reach it: through the magical powers of social media. Andy wants to be a playwright, but has no idea how to become one. And Margot is completely lost, she doesn’t know what she wants to be, nor how to get there.”

There’s definitely a Gen Z vibe here, but with a bit more problem-solving than, say, Dustin.

… but nobody does anything about it

Reader Mike Pollock offers a “juxtaposition via T.A.R.D.I.S.” Perusing this Saturday Evening Post comics selection page, Mike thought the way the weather forecast lingo was handled in the two Stan Hunt panels here (from 1950 and 1955) was reflected in the very recent Zits below them.

“Small-craft warnings are being displayed from Cape Hatteras to Sandy Hook.”
Stan Hunt
September 30, 1950

“Try to think of it, dear, as simply a low-pressure system extending from The Great Lakes region into Ohio and eastward to the Atlantic States trapped between two areas to high pressure that…”
Stan Hunt
September 3, 1955

And with our editorial eyes opened to this idea, we were quick to note this Life on Earth:

How are the frogs doing lately?


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 28th, 2024

Pete sent this in. It’s also a bit of a CIDU, since wouldn’t knights in armor have metal plate on the bottom of their feet?

And here’s one sent in by Usual John, a bit more of a comic scene-rendering than a gag LOL:

In particular, local rules can cause problems. In the card game Hearts, does the jack of diamonds mean anything special? Can you dump on the first trick? In Monopoly, do you complain that the game takes too long, but put $500 on Free Parking, and allow houses to be turned in for full value? In poker, is the worst low hand A-2-3-4-6 or 2-3-4-5-7? Complain about your favorite example of local rules in the comments.

From the Ask-Me-Anything episode:


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

Saturday Morning OYs – April 27th, 2024

Not truly a pun, but still word-centered humor.

Somehow I passed by this panel several times before understanding the simple parallelism of the two signs.


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

It can happen by accident; or by feline attack.

I thought the difficulty regarding the USB Type-A plugs was traditionally the alignment when making the connection. And that disconnecting is, if anything, a bit too easy — as the post title notes, it doesn’t take much.

Side questions: Is the Spanish text somewhat antique, as the English is? And, in the middle panel do we see more of the sword that doesn’t quite match the reveal of the last panel?


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

Can it count as a CIDU? Or just striking and absurd imagery?

A couple of comics for which we could not answer “What is the joke here?” but OTOH could not in good conscience call a clear CIDU and devote a full daily standalone to.

This might be a Semi-CIDU, as there is the question of whether this is how the cowboy bathes (and gets the horse to manage the timing and coins), or it’s at the horse’s volition as it wants its gear and rider to be clean.

Bonus CIDU: Did they know?

Hmmm, do they or do they not know there is a big Internet program/project called “Second Life” ? [Which I’m sure was around in 2009.]

P.S. Current SecondLife site.


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!